I love to sew, shop, and scribble about the joys of quilting, but let me tell you about one of my other favorite things, my dog, MARV 🐾

Marv at Graduation

You wouldn’t know it by looking back at his puppy pictures, but he was a bit of a rascal until he graduated from puppy school.

Marv Guarding Fabric

Well (full disclosure) every now and then, he get’s a wild hair, but he’s good at guarding fabric!


When he isn’t playing with his friends,
napping is his favorite past time

Marv in Bed Under Quilt
Marv .jpg
Marv Cuddling with Quilt

He used to work part-time as a greeter at a local quilt shop.

Marv at Eagle Creek Quilt Shop

He volunteers at Secondhand Hope offering comfort at assisted living communities and other facilities in Minnesota.

Marv, Secondhand Hound
Secondhand Hound, Secondhand Hope

And he loves spending his weekends at the lake, especially with family.